Jayapura, Jubi – The Puncak Jaya Police are currently handling a case of clashes between supporters of legislative candidates in several districts. As a result of the event, at least 62 individuals have been reported injured and are undergoing medical treatment at the Mulia Regional General Hospital.
Confirming the incident, Puncak Jaya Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Kuswara conveyed in a WhatsApp message on Thursday (15/2/2024) that several districts involved in the mutual attacks include Wonwi, Dokome, Yaimo, Pagaleme, Mulia, Yambi, Irimuli, Muara, and Illu.
“The clash occurred in Wonwi District on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Papua time,” he said.
According to Kuswara, the clashes stemmed from a dispute over votes to be given to the legislative candidates they supported. He mentioned that during the clashes, it was observed that the masses used arrows, machetes, knives, and slingshots.
Kuswara emphasized that his party had managed to intervene in the fighting and ensure that the polling situation proceeded safely and smoothly. He added that there were no injuries to security forces or any fatalities during the incident. (*)