Waghete, Jubi – The Deiyai Police has added personnel from the nearest police resorts, the Paniai Police and Dogiyai Police, to improve security following the shooting in Waghete that killed a civilian, Muhammad Jainal Als Enal.
Enal, 29 years old, was shot dead on Sunday, June 26, 2022, at 9:33 p.m. local time in Deiyai Regional People’s Legislative Council (DPRD) office hall, while playing badminton with five colleagues. Enal is a non-Papuan resident who was born and raised in Waghete, Deiyai.
The police said they increased large-scale patrols around Deiyai and prepared the personnel in Deiyai Police headquarters. “We have also asked for additional personnel from Paniai and Dogiyai,” Deiyai Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Hersoni Saragih said in a phone call with Jubi on Monday, June 27.
In addition, Saragih said, his party was currently talking with local community leaders. “This is to gather information on the situation in the area after the shooting, as well as accurate data on the incident,” he said, adding that his party also coordinated with the Cartenz Peace Task Force to profile the armed group’s networks and bases around Deiyai.
1703/Deiyai Military District Command Intelligence officer Capt. Ind Eko Warsito said the victim was resting after playing badminton and sitting on the sofa near the door when an unknown person suddenly entered through the front door and immediately fired three shots using a long-barreled weapon, which hit the victim.
“The other badminton players immediately hid and turned off the lights, then the perpetrator fired another series of shots at the hall six times,” said Warsito.
After that, Warsito said, the witness immediately called Second Brig. Nanda Saragih, a member of the Deiyai Police Intelligence and Security Unit, then told him about the incident.
“The police along with the Pamrahwan Task Force Yonif RK/113 JS came to the scene and conducted a search around the Deiyai DPRD office hall but found no one,” he said.
The victim was rushed to the Paniai General Hospital in Madi. However, upon arrival at the hospital the victim could not be saved and died. (*)