Jayapura, Jubi – The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) hoped that there will be other defendants examined and tried in the Bloody Paniai gross human rights violations, said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik in Jayapura City last Thursday, September 29, 2022.
Damanik admitted he was not satisfied with the current trial at the Makassar Human Rights Court as it did not follow the recommendations of Komnas HAM fully. “However, we still appreciate this breakthrough as an initial stage,” said Damanik.
Damanik said he would push again for a more comprehensive trial that could examine and try other defendants. “We also regret the absence of witnesses from the trial. Even though Komnas HAM has facilitated the Attorney’s General Office to meet the families of the victims, it has not been optimized,” he said.
He further said that the Bloody Paniai trial was appreciated by the international community, especially because Indonesia had never tried such a case even though Komnas HAM conducted various investigations into alleged gross human rights violations.
“This step is considered the first step to a more thorough and fair trial,” said Damanik.
Komnas HAM also encourages the government to move beyond the judicial settlement process, by taking non-judicial steps such as continuing the deliberation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Bill. “The draft has been prepared by the government, hopefully with the Presidential Decree, we can immediately move towards issuing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Law,” said Damanik. (*)