Jayapura, Jubi – The Papua Peace Network (JDP) asked the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) not to attack civilians, JDP spokesperson Cristian Yan Warinussy responded to the shooting incident allegedly carried out by the TPNPB against 14 road workers in Moskona, Bintuni Bay Regency, West Papua, on Thursday, September 29, 2022.
“We call the perpetrators to stop targeting civilians in the Moskona area, Maybat area and its surroundings,” Warinussy said via WhatsApp message to Jubi on Friday, September 30.
The attack on Thursday killed four workers, namely Sitinjak (25), Om Kumis (55), Halim (20) and Reva (28).
Warinussy said the Papua Peace Network deeply regretted the attack and hoped that the regents of Bintuni Bay and Maybrat could cooperate with the commander of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Region Command and the West Papua Police chief to open access to health services, as well as legal and social protection for civilians at the location of the attack.
“We urge the administrations to ensure the protection of civilians in Bintuni Bay and Maybrat, and support law enforcement measures against anyone guilty n the incident,” he said.
Warinussy further emphasized the importance of dialogue in peacebuilding in Papua. He called on the TNI commander and National Police chief to ensure that any security operations do not target civilians from the North Moskona to the West Moskona regions. (*)