Wamena, Jubi – Patients with tuberculosis (TB) in Jayawijaya tend to increase from 2016 to second quarter of 2017.
The increase was revealed by Jayawijaya Health Office’s data. By 2016, there are 528 TB cases. Meanwhile, the number of TB people in 2017 up to June 2017, at about 250 cases.
“TB patients have increasing trend from year to year,” said dr. Siwi Murniati, as medical health person responsible for TB program of Jayawijaya Health Office to journalist, Thursday (July 27).
Dr. Siwi said they would implement dots strategies in 15 health care centres such as hospitals, Kalvari clinics, and 13 Puskesmas, to handle TB in the area.
“All officers have been trained with that strategy (dots strategy), although not completed,” she said. Most TB patients in Wamena Hospital are coming from various regions.
Related to TB control program in Jayawijaya, doctor Siwi admitted that it still need much effort to find suspect and patient of TB. He said, many challenges faced in providing services in Jayawijaya district.
Meanwhile, Assistant I of Jayawijaya regional secretary, Living Wusono, after opening a public consultation work on regional action of TB prevention of Jayawijaya Regency, said that his office will demand the active role of all stakeholders in TB prevention efforts.
“The work is to strengthen the regional action plan related to TB control in Jayawijaya Regency.Therefore, we will ask all stakeholders to take part in the regional action plan,” he said. (*)