Jayapura, Jubi – The West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) allegedly attacked six motorcycle taxi drivers in Mangabib Village, Oksebang District, Bintang Mountains Regency on Monday, December 5, 2022. Three of the civilians died in the attack.
The incident was confirmed at 5 p.m. Papua time when the head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Bintang Mountains Police, First Insp. Budi Payung received a report from the community that there had been an attack by the TPNPB against six motorcycle taxi drivers in Mangabib Village who were waiting for passengers.
During the attack, three drivers escaped and survived. While three other drivers, La Ati, La Usu, and La Aman were killed.
La Usu and La Aman both died after attacked with sharp weapons, while La Ati suffered gunshot wounds. La Ati was previously reported missing and was later found dead by joint forces of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and police, not far from the crime scene.
Bintang Mountains Police chief Adj. Sr. Come. Cahyo Sukarnito suspected La Ati was shot while trying to escape. “The one who had run [La Ati] was found to have a gunshot wound to the head,” Sukarnito said.
According to Sukarnito, all three casualties had been evacuated to Oksibil, the capital of Bintang Mountains. “All of them have been evacuated to the Oksibil Regional General Hospital,” he said. (*)