Wamena, Jubi – Based on the Papua Provincial Health Office data as of September 30, 2022, in the third quarter of 2022, HIV/AIDS cases were 9,189 cases in Nabire, followed by Jayapura City 7,761 case and Jayawijaya Regency 6,867 cases.
The Jayawijaya AIDS Commission (KPA Jayawijaya) chair, Margaretha Wetipo, said her party was in the process of validating the Papua Provincial Health Office data.
“Currently we are still waiting for a meeting with the Health Office to validate the data. They are the facilitator for all services so we need to talk to them to get accurate data,” she said in Wamena on Friday, January 27, 2023.
According to her, most of the data are people who have been treated or consumed ARVs but stopped halfway.
“We are going to reevaluate the data. I also hope that all NGOs can work together with KPA and the Jayawijaya Health Office to promote the dangers of HIV/AIDS to the people in Jayawijaya both in villages, districts, and cities,” she said. (*)