Wamena, Jubi – The action of 11 students who took down the signboard “Governor Office of Mountainous Papua Province” in front of the Wamena Education Agency, Jayawijaya, on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, led to police arrests.
After being questioned by police, eight students were released, while three are now still in detention. The three students are Hengky Hilapok, head of the Jayawijaya Student Association (HMPJ), Opinus Asso, head of the Jayawijaya Regency Student Association (HMKJ) and Lukas Dabby (HMPJ member). All three are students of the Amal Ilmiah Yapis University in Wamena,
Meanwhile, the other eight students who were released on Thursday, September 8, 2022, are as follows:
Sepianus Lokobal. student of Amal Ilmiah University Yapis Wamena
Anike Ikinia, student of Amal Ilmiah University Yapis Wamena
Iren Siep, D3 nursing student in Wamena
Maria Walilo, D3 nursing student in Wamena
Alvin Hilapok, student of STIMIK Agamau Wamena
Januarius Siep, student of STIMIK Agamau Wamena
Niko Wetipo Stikom Jayapura alumni
Konius Doga, student of STIKER Wamena
Jayawijaya Police chief Adj. Sr. Come. Hesman S. Napitupulu confirmed that the three students had vandalized the office of the Mountainous Papua Province. He said that the signboard was installed on behalf of the state, therefore, the three students would be prosecuted.
Beni Wetipo, the lawyer of the three students, said his party had coordinated and met with the head of the Wamena Education Agency to withdraw their report.
According to Wetipo, Article 170 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code on violence against persons or objects, which was used by the police to charge the three students, was too excessive. The article that should be charged, he said, was Article 406 on vandalism. He hoped that the Wamena Education Agency head would immediately withdraw his report. (*)