Jayapura, Jubi – The bodies of two police officers who died in an attack by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) in Paniai Regency, Central Papua Province on Wednesday (20/3/2024) will be evacuated on Friday morning. Both bodies will be evacuated to Mimika Regency, said Paniai Police Chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Abdus Syukur Felani, on Thursday.
“The evacuation process will be carried out tomorrow morning,” Abdus said via WhatsApp message service.
Second Brig. Arnaldobert Yawan and Second Brig. Sandi Defrit Sayuri died in an attack by the TPNPB at the Ndeotadi 99 Police Post, Baya Biru District. The attack occurred while Arnaldobert and Sandi were securing a helipad in Baya Biru District. Two AK-47 rifles belonging to the police were also seized by the TPNPB.
According to Abdus, the evacuation of the bodies was hindered by transportation issues. “The helicopter for evacuation only landed in Nabire Regency on Wednesday afternoon, so the pickup will only be done tomorrow morning,” he explained.
Papua Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo stated that the bodies of the two police officers were laid to rest in Baya Biru District. Benny stated that following the shooting of the two police officers, security forces found the body of a civilian named Dani (45). Dani’s body was found not far from the location of the attack carried out by the TPNPB. “The victim died with an arrow lodged in the back,” he said. (*)