Timika, Jubi – The Timika City District Court on Thursday, January 26, 2023, charged four civilian defendants in the Mimika murder and mutilation case with premeditated murder with a maximum penalty of death.
The four defendants were Roy Marten Howay (his case file was registered with case number 8/Pid.B/2023/PN Kota Timika), Andre Pudjianto Lee, Dul Umam, and Rafles Lakasa (case number 7/Pid.B/2023/PN Kota Timika). Both cases were examined by a panel of judges chaired by Putu Mahendra, with member judges M Khusnul F Zainal and Riyan Ardy Pratama.
The murder and mutilation against four Nduga residents occurred in Settlement Unit 1, Mimika Baru District, Mimika Regency on August 22, 2022. The four victims were Arnold Lokbere, Irian Nirigi, Lemaniel Nirigi, and Atis Tini. The case involved six soldiers of the Raider 20/Ima Jaya Keramo Infantry Brigade who were tried separately at the Surabaya High Military Court III and the Jayapura Military Court III-19.
In the trial on Thursday, Roy Marten Howay, Andre Pudjianto Lee, Dul Umam, and Rafles Lakasa followed the reading of the indictment. The public prosecutors, Febiana Wilma Sorbu, Appry M Silaban, Andre Pahlevi, Jusiandra Lubis, and Masdalianto took turns reading the indictment.
In the case of Roy Marten Howay, the public prosecutor charged Roy with five different offenses. In the first primary charge, the prosecutor charged Roy with the offense of premeditated murder (Article 340 of the Criminal Code jo Article 55 (1) of the Criminal Code) which carries the heaviest penalty of death.
In the first count of the subsidiary indictment, the public prosecutor charged Roy with the offense of theft with aggravation (Article 339 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code), as well as the offense of murder (Article 338 of the Indonesian Penal Code jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code) and jointly committing theft with violence which resulted in the loss of life of another person (Article 365 Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code).
In the second charge, Roy was charged with the offense of a crime that endangers public security (Article 187 of the Criminal Code Jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) to 1 KUHP).
Meanwhile, the other three defendants were charged with the offenses of premeditated murder (primary), aggravated murder (subsidiary), and murder (more subsidiary).
Victim’s money shared
In reading the indictment, the prosecutor revealed the series of events of the perpetrators’ planning, the transaction of weapons, and the murder and mutilation of the four victims. The prosecutor also outlined the involvement of six soldiers in the case.
On January 24, 2023, a panel of judges of the Surabaya High Military Court III led by chief judge Col. Chk Sultan with member judges Col. Chk Agus Husin and Col. Chk Prastiti Siswayani sentenced the defendant Maj. Inf Helmanto Fransiskus Dakhi to life imprisonment and dismissal from the Army.
Five other soldier defendants were Capt. Inf Dominggus Kainama (who died on December 24, 2022 due to heart disease), First Pvt. Rahmat Amin Sese, First Pvt. Rizky Oktaf Muliawan, First Pvt. Robertus Putra Clinsman, and Chief Pvt. Pargo Rumbouw. Until now, their cases are still being heard at the Military Court III-19 Jayapura.
In the indictment reading session at the Timika City District Court on Thursday, the prosecutor said that Roy Marten Howay, Andre Pudjianto Lee, Dul Umam, and Rafles Lakasa together with Helmanto Fransiskus Dakhi deliberately planned, ordered, carried out, murdered and mutilated the four victims.
The defendants then took the victims’ money totaling Rp 250 million. The money was distributed as follow: to Helmanto Fransiskus Dahki Rp 22 million, Capt. Inf Dominggus Kainama Rp 22 million, Chief Pvt. Pargo Rumbouw Rp 4 million, First Pvt. Rahmat Amin Sese Rp 22 million, First Pvt. Robertus Putra Clinsman Rp 22 million, First Pvt. Riski Rp 22 million, Second Pvt. Yoko Rp 5 million, First Pvt. Victor Rp 2 million, Andre Pudjianto Lee Rp 22 million, Dul Umam Rp 22 million, Roy Marthen Howay Rp 22 million, Rafles Lakasa Rp 2 million, and Ical Rp 3 million.
The rest of the victims’ money was also used to pay for car rental (Rp 5 million), buy food, drink and cigarettes (Rp 3 million), and pay for the diesel business coordinated by Helmanto Fransiskus Dahki (Rp 50 million).
The prosecutor also stated that the defendants burned a car that was used, a silver Toyota Calya with a police number T 1641 UF, which was rented from Chief Pvt. Fajar Bakhtiar (not a suspect in the case), therefore Fajar Bakhtiar suffered a loss of Rp 85 million.
After the reading of the indictment, chief judge Putu Mahendra invited the defendants and their legal counsel to discuss. Advocates Frengki Kambu (legal counsel for Roy Marthen Howay), Marjan Tusang (legal counsel for Andre Pudjianto Lee), Teguh Sukma (legal counsel for Dul Uman), and Jhon Stapan Riau Lend Pasirubu (legal counsel for Rafles Lakasa) asked for a week to prepare an exception. The panel of judges then adjourned the trial until February 2, 2023. (*)