Jayapura, Jubi – Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Mathius Fakhiri stated that the security disturbances by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) in the Mountainous Papua and Central Papua provinces are not related to the 2024 General Election.
“Hopefully, the implementation of the Presidential and Legislative Elections in Papua will proceed as scheduled. The recent events have no connection to the elections,” Fakhiri said in Jayapura City on Wednesday (7/2/2024).
According to Fakhiri, the people of Papua are eager to progress and be on equal footing with other regions in Indonesia. Therefore, he urged individuals who reject the implementation of elections in Papua for personal interests to cease their actions.
“I hope those who always resort to violence or exploit Papua issues for personal gain will stop,” he said.
Fakhiri stated that the security for the distribution of the 2024 election logistics involves 8,000 police personnel. They are ready to carry out security duties to every polling station available.
“Six thousands police personnel are stationed at each police precinct, while 2,000 will be deployed from the Papua Police according to the schedule determined by the General Election Commission (KPU). Certainly, the police will be assisted by the Indonesian Military (TNI) for security,” he said.
Fakhiri mentioned that all infrastructure owned by the Papua Police is ready to be utilized to ensure that the elections on February 14, 2024, proceed safely, peacefully, and according to the schedule set by the KPU. (*)