Ilustrated - Jubi
Ilustrated – Jubi

Merauke, 4/1 (Jubi) – One teenager in Mappi Regency, Nikolausi Bernolpus, 19, was shot dead by police officer in Mappi. The police, Bripka DE, shot the victim using a revolver type weapon at the bottom of his back neck. He died on the spot.

“It is true; the perpetrator was Bripka DE. He has violated rules, since there was no duties command. Moreover, he was also carrying weapon to shoot victims,” said Mappi Chief Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Wartono, on December 28.

Wartono explained that the shooting occurred on December 25, 2017 at about 04.00 WITA.

Before the incident, Bripka DE conducted night patrol using cars in Keppi City, Mappi and neighborhood areas.

“When the patrol entered the Frog Road, it found a group of people suspected of being drinking. Furthermore, the group was being  asked to go home for tomorrow morning they might go to church to celebrate Christmas,” Wartono explained.

But at about 3:40 am, one of the plainclothes police officer suddenly appears from behind, and he was too rebuking the victim. But the suspected group, including the victim, refuses to accept it which resulting in a fight.

While fighting the victim then ran into his house then took a sharp weapon. He then hit the policeman to fall with wood. It was then the warning shot was fired twice.

“A few moments later, the victim ran away and the police officer pointed the gun at the victim’s back neck,” Wartono explained.

Currently the perpetrator has been taken to Polda Papua to undergo further investigation as a suspect. “We’ve been visiting the family and his home and took care of everything including up to the funeral,” he said.(tabloidjubi.com/Zely)

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