The trial ‘Bible burning’ case will be conducted openly

TNI Regional Commander of Cenderawasih, Papua Province, George Elnadus Supit - Jubi
TNI Regional Commander of Cenderawasih, Papua Province, George Elnadus Supit – IST

Jayapura, Jubi – Regional Territorial Commander (Pangdam) XVII of Cenderawasih Maj. Gen. George Elnadus Supit reaffirms his commitment to investigate the soldiers who burned garbage while cleaning Korem 172 / PWY dormitory which accidentaly burnt Bible on May 25.

The alleged Bible burning led to mob that resulted five people injured, including the Jayapura City Police Chief.

“We are still checking the Bible-burning case. Please give me some time. Hopefully at least next week we can finish it. I once promise it would be finishef in one week but it is seem we need more time,” said Commander in the State House of Papua Province, Saturday (June 3).

Regarding whether it was really a Bible or religious book, Pangdam emphasizes the importance of presumption of innocence.

“As I said before, we suspect it is not intentional. There is no element of deliberation to burns the Bible,” explained the Commander.

Currently the process of inquiry is still ongoing. The Commander of the Armed Forces mentioned one member of the TNI is detained and several witnesses examined, including several students and pastors.

Whatever the outcome, the Commander said it will be publicly announced. And the court process will be conducted openly. This open trial is conducted as a responce to the pressure of society. As well as to anticipate there should be no conflict or further acts of violence if later proven unscrupulous members of the TNI play a role in causing the burning-Bible.

“I will take my position down if I do not process this case correctly,” promises the Commander. He appealed to the people of Papua, especially in Jayapura City to not easily believe issues that are not true.

“Trust everything on legal process,” Pangdam appealed.

In addition to Jayapura Town Police Chief and his aide, three civilians were wounded by TNI bullet fire that broke up the mobs at the time. Victor Pulanda, former defender of Persipura was shot in the back, while Edi Siep and Alvian Ukago got shot in the leg.(*)

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